Join Mirrorball

St Mungo’s Mirrorball is looking to recruit some new members to the fold. Now in its nineteenth year the Mirrorball is a poetry network that runs a regular events programme, development opportunities and a weekly newsletter highlighting events and competitions that are of interest to members and also highlighting members successes as well. Our events are run in the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow but for the first time ever we will provide face to face and online options for every event. What this means is that we are now in a position to welcome members from much further afield. If you are interested in joining and want more information on how to join please email Vicki Husband (membership secretary)  

Membership fees for Mirrorball for the year Autumn 2023 to Spring 2024 will be £25. Please note the Mirrorball does not want to exclude anyone from membership for financial reasons, so if you are not in a position to pay this year or can only afford a reduced fee, you can still be a member as your membership is what gives the network its life and purpose.

Look forward to hearing from you   

Jim Carruth  (chair)